Rail Project FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project?
The Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project features full-depth replacement of rail that has served RTD’s central downtown corridor for 30 years. This major construction initiative will improve safety and reliability on the light rail system.
Why is RTD undertaking the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project now, especially while the 16th Street Mall project is underway?
Managing and maintaining assets in a state of good repair ensures the long-term integrity of the rail network for all individuals who entrust RTD to deliver them to their destinations. After more than 30 years, RTD is investing in its oldest rail infrastructure to ensure the long-term integrity of the network. The paved sections of track in the downtown loop are underneath concrete so the rails and ballast rock beneath the rails are more difficult to maintain. Years of increasing vehicular and train traffic, along with chemicals like deicing salts, have taken a toll on the downtown tracks, making this project a priority. RTD and Denver are working together to minimize impacts to customers and the public. The agencies are collaborating on best practices for maintaining access through the crossings while minimizing disruption for downtown businesses, transit customers and the public.
Between 2012 and 2023, RTD completed 17 repair and replacement projects at key intersections within the central corridor. This work prioritized curved rail, switches, and at-grade crossings. How is this project different?
This major reconstruction project is the first of its kind in RTD’s history. Previous rail-related construction projects were aimed at specific segment enhancements and repairs. For instance, during previous projects, RTD prioritized high-risk areas like switches and at-grade rail crossings, completing one or two projects per year. This multi-phased project will improve five intersections in downtown Denver that serve as at-grade crossings for D, H and L light rail lines. These intersections include 15th and Stout, 17th and Stout, 15th and California, 17th and California, and Broadway and Welton.
How will the Downtown Rail Reconstruction project affect travel in downtown?
Beginning May 26, all D and H line trains will be rerouted to Denver Union Station, and L Line service, which connects 30th•Downing Station to the downtown loop, will be suspended. No light rail service will operate in RTD’s central corridor through September 2024. RTD’s bus routes that operate along 15th and 17th streets may also be temporarily impacted during the project, and the agency is working to limit any detours in the downtown area. With the D and H lines rerouting to Denver Union Station, RTD is planning to temporarily reintroduce its Free MetroRide service, which will operate along 18th and 19th streets. Both the Free MallRide and MetroRide routes provide multiple stops between Union Station and Civic Center Station. RTD will also operate expanded service on the Route 0L from I-25/Broadway Station to central downtown via Civic Center Station to provide the option for customers not traveling to Lower Downtown.
What about accessibility during construction?
RTD is dedicated to providing safe and accessible services, preserving a reliable transit infrastructure, supporting previous investments, and extending design life of agency assets. The downtown area will remain accessible by transit during all phases of construction. Customers and the public will still have access to transit, businesses and downtown events during the construction project. RTD’s website and apps are the best ways for customers to plan a trip and reach their downtown destinations.
How will the construction impacts and service impacts be communicated to the public?
RTD is working with numerous downtown partners and the media to provide advanced information and communications about the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project. In advance of the work, RTD will craft clear messages highlighting the benefits of the project and its impact to services by utilizing multiple communication channels and platforms. This includes in-system assets such as signage, community engagement and outreach, media relations, partner and stakeholder collaboration, web, digital, and social media. Project-specific materials and resources will be developed to explain the project details and support external engagement opportunities with customers, partners, and local stakeholders. This comprehensive no surprises approach aims to effectively manage expectations by informing and engaging customers and the community with consistent, accurate and timely communications while emphasizing the project’s long-term benefits.
What alternatives are available for customers who currently utilize Colfax at Auraria Station to access Auraria campus?
During construction, all D and H line trains will be rerouted to Denver Union Station. While D and H trains will not service Colfax at Auraria Station during construction, three light rail lines(D, E and H) will serve Auraria West Station.
What are the impacts to traffic lanes and businesses adjacent to the construction sites? Will the project involve full closure of intersections? Will the project involve full closure of intersections?
The work will be sequenced such that not all intersections will be impacted at the same time. Vehicular traffic will still be able to travel through these areas while the work is underway. Yes, the work will require the full closure of 15th and 17th while the work in happening in those areas. Vehicular traffic will be detoured around these closures as efficiently as possible. It is RTD’s intent to complete the work at Broadway and Welton while maintaining 2 lanes of traffic on Broadway at all times, however, this is the intent and has not been confirmed. Access will be maintained to all businesses adjacent to the work areas at all times.
Why is RTD sending all the trains to Union Station, and not turning them around at the Convention Center?
Staff considered the option of turning D and H line trains at the Convention Center. However, the staffing required to have switch tenders to support the Coping Panels Project and operate switches at the Convention Center, while also performing routine maintenance across the entire rail system, is not possible. RTD’s Operations Department also does not have the supervisory staff available to have a controller at Convention Center to monitor train movement in that area. Additionally, there are people power limitations in the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) group to support and monitor the Coping Panels Project and normal train operations across RTD’s entire light rail system.
What are the main impacts to RTD service during the downtown rail work?
Beginning May 26, all D and H line trains will be rerouted to Denver Union Station, and L Line service, which connects 30th•Downing Station to the downtown loop, will be suspended. No light rail service will operate in RTD’s central corridor through September 2024. Following completion of the project’s first phase in September, crews will pause reconstruction work until 2025, and all light rail services will resume normal operations.
RTD’s bus routes that operate along 15th and 17th streets may also be temporarily impacted during the project, and the agency is working to limit any detours in the downtown area. Also, with the D and H lines rerouting to Denver Union Station, RTD is planning to temporarily reintroduce its Free MetroRide service, which will operate along 18th and 19th streets. Both the Free MallRide and MetroRide routes provide multiple stops between Union Station and Civic Center Station. In addition, RTD will introduce all-day service through September 2024 on the Route 0L South Broadway Limited bus to reduce the impact of the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project on customers using light rail. For detailed information on service information related to the Downtown Rail Project, click here. To see all final May 2024 service changes for rail and bus service, click here.
Will the H and D lines stop at Auraria West this summer?
Three light rail lines (D, E and H lines) plus the Platte Valley FlexRide will serve Auraria West during the downtown work. L Line service, which connects 30th•Downing Station to the downtown loop, will be suspended and no light rail service will operate in RTD’s central corridor through September 2024.
What services will be available at Colfax at Auraria Station this summer?
RTD is investigating the option to expand the Platte Valley FlexRide to serve the Colfax at Auraria Station this summer. Bus Route 16 also serves the Colfax at Auraria Station.